Thursday, January 19, 2012

How should I convince my parents?

My gerbil passed away a week ago and next week we're going to the pet store. I miss my little guy. I want a hamster because my gerbil wouldn't let me hold him and I really "connect" with pets that I can hold. I have enough money to buy it, and since I lost my gerbil I have food, wheels, water bottles, everything needed to make a hammy happy. My problem is that with my gerbil, since he really didn't like me I couldn't connect with him. I also didn't play with him because he would get stressed and draw blood. He would get fed a LOT once every other day, and get his cage cleaned every other week. ( I would clean a hamster once a week.) But my parents think that I "slacked off" because I didn't play with him or spend a butt-load of time with him. I did watch him, but I really couldn't leave my hand in there. It wasn't because I was lazy, it was simply because he didn't enjoy being bothered. I'm making an essay and have 2 pages done so far, but how can I convince them that I will take care of this hamster better than my gerbil? How should I convince my parents?
Well i am really sorry I don't know how to help you as far as your parents... You might could try saying that it will help you become more responsible...or you will work harder at school...Or help with stuff around the house. And i know why you didn't get your gerbil out much, my friends have some and they don't really do much with them..they are always kinda wildish..

But if you don't want a animal that bites (or that is easy to tame) you will need to go for a big hamster( like a teddy bear). And I know for some people rats seem gross, but they are wonderful pets!! they don't bite and don't really need to be tamed!
Yay!!!! I hope they say yes!!! Usually when my mom says she'll think about it, that means yes!!! Good luck!!!

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How should I convince my parents?
Well so far so good. Try and exaggerate being good, such as going, oh, I'm going to CLEAN the cage very thoroughly today. I woundn't want my HAMSTER to get SICK.

Just to let you know that hamsters are nocturnal, not cuddly at all and super fast. If you want cuddly, slow, adorable, go for some guinea pigs. Guinea pig site-

This also mght give you parents the imppression you want to start all over again, you know what I mean?
If you want connect get a guinea pig. If you get a hamster you would have the same problem you would have with your gerbil. Guinea pigs are nicer and the don't bite you. So i would get guinea pig instead. But if you REALLY want to get a hamster you should ger a syrian because they are the ones that are LESS scidish.

I hope this helps!

(get a guinea pig! =])How should I convince my parents?
Well if you like to connect with your animals a guine pig would be a good choice
gerbils and hamsters die really fast. get a dog :}
You do know hamsters are the same idea, as far as handling goes? Syrains and Russian dwarfs will bite and draw blood, just like a gerbil does. Your gerbil may have also been more fiesty because he was on his own- gerbils get depressed on their lonely.

So you can't really have that attitude of 'oh, they bite' or 'oh, they didn't want to be bothered'. If anything, hamsters are more withdrawn than gerbils- they sleep for twenty hours or so a day, are only awake at night, and are quite shy. So if you want something to connect to, and you couldn't to a gerbil- an animal that rarely bites if treated well, easy to handle, and is awake and curious- than a hamster is going to be even more of a challenge.

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