Thursday, January 19, 2012

Please help.... I found my hamster dead with his eye gorged out..?

please read, i know its long, but im crying so hard right now, please..

Im 14 and i was about read to go to bed. And before i go to bed i go to feed my hamsters. I have an aquarium with 2 dwarf hamsters in it. I've read that you can keep them together, every source i go to says its okay.... they have been together for 2 1/2 months, just fine.... and out of the blue i go to feed them and i saw my little male hamster, popcorn, lying there lifeless. I thought he was asleep but that i looked and there was red gushy stuff around his mouth and it looked like his eye was gouged out. he was half covered up in the bedding so i couldnt tell exactly what happened. the female was absolutely fine, running o the wheel. Just earlier today he was so full of life, running as happy as he can be on the wheel, and i find him dead. it hurts. so bad.. I started crying and got my mom. i didnt want to see so she removed him for me and put him in a tight container in the garbage so i wont wake up and find she'd half-eaten him.. now I've got this living hamster here, i cant even bear to look at her.... what should i do with her... i mean i want to give her away. but is it the wrong thing to do? she killed my precious popcorn for no reason :'{ im so sad right now, please help.... please what should i do..Please help.... I found my hamster dead with his eye gorged out..?
It would help if we knew how old they were. Sorry about your Hamsters :[ maybe you can give her to your friend and visit her often? It is strange she did that, :/ Hope you figure it out and Don't worry Popcorn is in a better place now :}

I think RatPourri has a great answer. :)
Hate to say this but you should of not put two hamsters in the same cage let alone a girl and a boy. Most likely the female is pregnent you know. Well if you can't stand to love a poor hammy that was just going with her solatary instincts then i say go and put her in a no kill shelter for adoption.Please help.... I found my hamster dead with his eye gorged out..?
same happened to me but i found out that he also had a few bald spots and other symptoms and i found out that he had a very terrible disease that is usually not curable so i asked about it and found it was a common disease that many die from but that's how most die
I'm no expert on Dwarf hamsters, I am used to Syrians, who fight, but I have read the same thing, about how Dwarf hamsters thrive best in bonded pairs. One thing I thought of when I read your post, is in the wild, social animals like this, say, mice, rats, birds, etc. if one dies in a burrow or nest, the other(s) will try to drag it out of the nest and move it far away. This is a survival instinct, because a dead animal will quickly draw scavengers and predators to wherever it is, and they do not want predators hanging around their burrow. It is very possible that the male died of natural causes (or choked, because that happens sometimes, especially if they eat something sticky) and the female, acting on instinct, tried her best to move him out of the nest, using the only means she had-her teeth. She could have gripped him with her teeth and pulled, and in the process may have injured his eye. Please remember, a hamster can eat a cricket the size of their head in less than a minute, and my hamster once demolished a chicken wing (with most of the bone) in the space of 90 minutes. You said it was just a few hours between when you saw him alive and when he was dead, well, if she was going to eat him, she would have eaten much more than his eye in the space of a few hours. I don't believe she killed him or tried to eat him, and was probably very stressed and frightened when he died.Please help.... I found my hamster dead with his eye gorged out..?
first i'm so sorry about your hamster .

the same thing happened to my friends hamster its eye's almost gushed out .but it was alone so i don't think it was your girl hamster but it could have been so maybe putt her up for adoption. then get a new hamster. throw away the old cage and get a new one and just forget the old hamsters .

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