Sunday, January 8, 2012

Has your child started having tantrums at around 14 months and has grown to be a calm well behaved happy child?

The reason I ask is because my 15 month old (our first child) started having tantrums at about 14 months. We could be reading a book and all of the sudden she'll get off my lap and throw herself on the floor and fuss and cry and walk around with her fists clenched. Also, in her musical munchkins class she will fuss and not always participate, almost like an angry fuss where she yells and clenches her fists. This doesn't happen too often but I am a first time mom and pay extra attention to everything I see. Her pediatrician said that tantrums don't commonly start until around 2 and that she is just getting her wheels turning a little early. Does this mean she will be aggressive or misbehaved when she gets older? I see other kids her age that are so laid back and lovey.|||It all depends on what you do as a parent to raise your child "to be a calm well behaved happy child." It's not going to just happen as you think it will. Remember, the first five years is a crucial time, so bone up on your child psychology.|||If its any consolation my son is 14 months and has been throwing tantrums for a few weeks already. So although I don't know how this will pan out for her future behaviour, rest assured your child is normal.

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