Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is my hamster happy or upset?

I put my hamster Cujo in his ball so I could clean his cage. He got out of the ball and was walking in the kitchen while 2 of my cats were there with him. He always sticks his nose through the cage bars at the cats and they just love to sit and watch him. He chases them when he's in his ball but this is the first time he was out with them. They didn't slap at him, just looked and I got him up as soon as I saw. So anyway, he's in his cage now with clean shavings, food, and fresh water and he's going berzerk. Climbing the walls and running on the wheel and through the tubes. Was his little adventure too much or is he happy? He usually isn't so active after a run in his ball.|||hes happy, as long as hes not hurt then hes ok . dont worry|||Well if the hamster is giving the middle finger, then im guessing its not to happy with you.|||Are you sure he isn't hurt or something?|||hamsters can DIE of stress,anxiety,or scaredness!! try calming ur ham ham down by giving him a special treat or petting him gently. he probably got scared becuz he knew he was so close to a natural predator|||Yeah, I'd say he is happy. He sounds happy to me. Awww I hope he is happy :)|||Probably okay pretend your a hamster your small pushing a big ball plus your seeing giant animals its probably fun they LOVE to run he probably exersized too much he could be runnning alot and probaly tired his little hammy legs are too short to do so much hamsters are also nocternal they play ALOT at night (my hammy keeps me up)|||He may be a little stressed because of the cats as he probaly knows from instinct that they are predators and as hampsters are genrally nocternal that is a little odd. I suggest leaving him be for a bit and keeping the cats away as if he contines to do such things consult someone. Either that or he is just happy or enjoyed it free time soooo much he is keen to get out again.|||He be happy if you play with your two cats more.|||i don't see no problem so i am guessing he happy|||It sounds like he is just probably happy. I wouldn't worry about him. He should calm down soon. He sounds cute and what a name for a hamster.|||i think he's happy and he's having a good time!|||He's fine. Sounds like he likes his nice clean cage.|||that is a very good question, but what attracted me to answer is I thought you said Yamster and I have a silly grin on my face. Laughing too.|||The answer is QUITE OBVIOUS:

One of your cats slipped him some ruffies (uppers) and now they (the cats) are laughing their butts off, and enjoying the crazy, hyped-up hamster show.

Wonder thinks it was Allie.

She looks innocent, but the innocent once are usually the wildest ones.

%26lt;------- innocent looking, too

Mrow ....................

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