Sunday, January 8, 2012

Does my hamster hate me? and is it happy?

I got 2 chinese dwarf hamsters in october (both females) we were told they would be happy together, in about november - december the started fighting so we had to separate them, the other hamster died in july :( i don't have a lot of extra time to hold my hamster everyday, but i do when i can, and i make sure she is fed, watered etc she has a roomy cage With a wheel and i occasionally give her treats, is there a reason they fought? is my hamster lonely? does she sound like a happy hamster? (don't worry i will choose a best answer)|||I have been breeding hamsters for more than 2 years. I never breed the dwarfs, because they always end up being more fiesty,aggresive, even towards people. So that may be one reason. Also,when females are old enough to breed, sometimes they can be pushy on the others, and if it is a dwarf, then you may have more of a problem. If she has a roomy cage,plenty of food and water, always!, and you give her snacks,then she is fine alone.|||she is happy. sometimes they just fight. it could be because they were different litters. she isnt lonely. she would onyl fight with another hamster. if you think she's lonely then give her a box to play with. cut holes in it big enough for her to get out. she isn't lonely though trust me|||i am preety sure that they got older and started to fight about territories. i am preety sure shes just fine. cuase if you indroduce another to her , well the cage was her own for couple months so she probbaly thinks its her now. so if you intoduce they might fight as well.|||I'm sure the hamster is happy. I've been told that chinese hamsters in particular are very aggressive, especially females. They don't like other females either. Usually males are friendlier and get along better with other hamsters.|||When dealing with hamsters it is tricky. It had nothing to do with the fact that she "hates" anyone or that she isnt happy... its instinct. I have heard different things though. Some people tell me that they have luck with hamster pairs and others tell me their hamster HAS to be house alone. So Dont worry, its part of their nature and in all honesty, hamsters are not very social animals so dont worry, she is not lonely. =]|||hm the hamster that killed the other one :( probaly wants its one tarrotorry if i were u i would let it be for a while

and if u think its lonely here are the reactions-

sitting around all day

drinking plenty of water

not making any noises(like sqeaking)

give it a a good two weeks then decide if its lonely :)

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